2024 Michigan School Testing Conference

2024 Michigan School Testing Conference
The annual Michigan School Testing Conference consists of a day for workshops and two days of plenary and clinic sessions. On Tuesday, February 13, seven half-day and one full-day workshops will be offered. The conference itself will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, February 14-15.
2/13/2024 - 2/15/2024
Sheraton Ann Arbor Hotel 3200 Boardwalk Dr Ann Arbor, MI 48108



Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Are you new to your testing coordinator role? Do you need training on everything that needs to be done to test your students? Come join staff from the Office of Educational Assessment and Accountability, College Board, and ACT as they provide the steps and resources to help you navigate the summative testing process from start to finish. You will learn what needs to be done before testing, during testing, and after testing, with suggestions and tools for keeping organized. The session will cover the M-STEP, MI-Access, SAT with Essay, PSAT 8/9, PSAT 10, ACT WorkKeys, WIDA, and the Early Literacy and Mathematics Benchmarks test administrations. Tina Foote, MDE Phoebe Gohs, MDE Kate Cermak, MDE Jen Paul, MDE Jerry Cullum, MDE Tim Tahaney, MDE Jessica Fenby, MDE Steve Reed, MDE Ted Gardella, College Board Terrence Ingram, College Board Rachel Devine, ACT
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
9:00 AM

Wayne-Westland Community Schools recognized that assessment literacy and support from its Central Office and Building Administrators were critical to the creation and maintenance of a Balanced Assessment System. Using the book Ten Assessment Literacy Goals for School Leaders by Chappuis, Brookhart, and Chappuis as a guide, WWCSD developed an innovative professional learning plan to train their administrators for this work. They will share their processes and experiences that resulted from this work.

Joe Orban, Wayne-Westland Community Schools
Kate Brohl, Wayne-Westland Community Schools
Dave Raft, Wayne-Westland Community Schools
Jen Curry, Wayne-Westland Community Schools
Nancy Schulz, Wayne-Westland Community Schools

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
9:00 AM

This hands-on session is designed for beginning Excel users who are not familiar with Michigan’s Assessment and Accountability data found on the OEAA Secure Site, as well as the student-level and aggregate data that can be found on MI School Data. Local practitioners and a member of the MDE Office of Educational Assessment and Accountability (OEAA) will provide an overview of how schools can access and use state assessment and accountability data at the student level. Participants will develop an understanding of the data included in the files and what the data represents. There will be an opportunity for participants to work with their own data files.

Participants will need to bring a laptop and login information for the OEAA Secure Site and MI School Data specifically. You should have access to Excel 2010 or a later version to be able to participate in the hands-on portions of the workshop. Only Excel format will be supported. Office 365 Excel will not be supported during this workshop.

Emily McEvoy, Macomb ISD
Kathleen Miller, Shiawassee RESD
Matthew Gleason, MDE

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
9:00 AM

Through a process of using the Transcend Organization’s Leaps for Equitable 21st Century Learning, The Michigan Assessment Consortium (MAC) developed the Components of Equitable Assessment Systems (CEAS), a set of components designed to describe and promote equitable assessment systems and practices. The Components place a value on helping all students achieve ambitious outcomes through culturally responsible and balanced approaches to assessment. This workshop is led by developers of the CEAS. Workshop participants will engage in various activities to respond to the Components. Participants will be invited to consider their own assessment systems and practices in relationship to these components. Participants will be invited to identify emerging and existing models.

Kathy Dewsbury-White, MAC
Ellen Vorenkamp, MAC
Ed Roeber, MAC
Steven Snead, Oakland Schools.

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
9:00 AM

What is deeper learning and why do all students need to experience a rigorous curriculum? Actionable assessments uncover what students know, not only what they can recall. We’ll take a deep dive into designing actionable assessments using the Rigor by Design tools and explore instructional planning using Karin’s Actionable Assessment Cycle.

Karin Hess, Educational Research in Action

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
1:00 PM

Got so much data, yet so little time and budget to make it come to life? Are you looking for the right graph to grab your audience’s attention and get your point across quickly? In this hands-on workshop we will use Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets to create compelling visualizations that effectively communicate your data to diverse audiences including teachers, administrators, and even the general public. You will gain practical insights into leveraging the features and tools available in these widely used spreadsheet applications, enhancing data comprehension, and enabling impactful storytelling.

Sarah Whitford, Forest Hills Public Schools
Jonathan Flukes, Plymouth-Canton Community Schools

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
1:00 PM

Culturally responsive pedagogy, social-emotional learning, and the formative assessment process braid together to provide each student a sense of belonging in every space, interaction, and phase of their learning, including assessment. This workshop explores how three frameworks converge to provide equitable and optimal learning experiences for every student. This session is presented by scholars productively pushing at the edges of their focus areas across social justice, polyvagal informed pedagogy, and the formative assessment process.

Heather Vaughan-Southard, MAC
Nafeesah Symonette, Symonette Consulting Group
Tara Kintz, MAC

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
1:00 PM

Wednesday, 14 February 2024

Karin Hess, Educational Research in Action

In today’s educational environment, we expect every student to be ready for the challenges of the 21st century— to learn more, understand more deeply, master new technologies, and transfer what they’ve learned to real-world contexts. Integrating five evidence-based “teacher moves” in an Actionable Assessment Cycle can build a supportive classroom culture for deeper thinking and self-directed learning.

In her keynote address, Dr. Hess will explore these “teacher moves,” define what makes assessments “actionable,” and provide concrete examples for immediate implementation. This practical and systematic approach to deepening student engagement, promoting a growth mindset, and building a classroom culture that truly supports thinking and learning, is not to be missed.

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
9:00 AM

Large-group presentations seldom lend themselves to productive question-and-answer sessions. However, some conference participants want to ask questions that invite the speaker to clarify or comment in greater depth about portions of the presentation or to ask about issues the speaker did not address. Here’s your chance to have an informal conversation with today’s keynote speaker, Karin Hess.
10:15 AM - 11:30 AM
10:15 AM

In this session, you’ll have an opportunity to learn some strategies for effectively giving feedback to students, teaching students to give feedback to one another, and teaching students to self-assess. You’ll learn about the elements that must be in place for feedback to impact learning, and examples will be shared.

Kristy Walters, Corunna Public Schools

10:15 AM - 11:30 AM
10:15 AM

Learn about the latest required assessment security policies and procedures for the state’s assessments. Tools and resources needed to plan for a secure test administration will be shared along with the OEAA’s test administration monitoring practices, including test administration observations, missing materials, student plagiarism, and internet monitoring.

Jessica Fenby, MDE

10:15 AM - 11:30 AM
10:15 AM

Michigan relies on the expertise and participation of social studies educators from across the state to develop the summative social studies assessment. This session focuses on the process of building the Social Studies M-STEP. We will also take a closer look at the different item types currently on the M-STEP and at the new context-item set format.

Susan Palmiter, MDE

10:15 AM - 11:30 AM
10:15 AM

Macomb ISD developed a model to support newly identified schools in curriculum, instruction, and assessment. A partnership with the Michigan Assessment Consortium (MAC) was established to assist districts with identified schools to engage in a District Assessment Inventory Tool to identify strengths and areas for improvement in their assessment system. This process guided each district to develop an assessment learning and implementation plan to address the areas of need. Participants will be able to learn about the model, including the district inventory tool and assessment learning and implementation plan.

Emily McEvoy, Macomb ISD
Ellen Vorenkamp, MAC
Joe Orban, Wayne-Westland Community Schools

10:15 AM - 11:30 AM
10:15 AM

The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is the largest continuing and nationally representative assessment of what our nation’s students know and can do in subjects such as reading, mathematics, science, social studies, and other subjects. NAEP is being administered in a sample of Michigan schools from January to March of 2024 for the 2024 NAEP cycle. This session will describe the most recent NAEP analysis and reporting of state and national results from 2022, focusing on information most useful for Michigan educators, and will provide potentially helpful tips for people interested in using NAEP data.

Brian Lloyd, MDE

10:15 AM - 11:30 AM
10:15 AM

During this lunch session, participants will hear about what is going on with Michigan’s state assessment components, as well as information about Michigan’s longer-term vision for a complete, comprehensive assessment system. Andy Middlestead, MDE OEAA
11:45 AM - 1:15 PM
11:45 AM

Do you see what I know? Do you hear what I know? Oftentimes the best way to assess a student to determine what they know and how they can apply that knowledge is by observation or engaging in conversation. This session will explore these assessment strategies and provide insight into how they might be utilized with a classroom assessment system.

Ellen Vorenkamp, MAC

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
1:30 PM

For over 16 years, the FAME project has been in districts and schools across the state to support the use of the formative assessment process in classrooms. How can FAME support other school improvement initiatives? Learn about the evolution of FAME and how you can become involved with the project.

Jennifer McFarlane, Romeo Community Schools

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
1:30 PM

This session will provide an overview of the Michigan Merit Exam including updates and changes related to test administration, including the SAT with Essay, ACT WorkKeys, and M-STEP. Representatives from MDE, College Board, and ACT will be available to discuss updates and answer questions.

Steve Reed, MDE
Kate Cermak, MDE
Rachel Devine, ACT
Terrence Ingram, College Board

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
1:30 PM

The MI Arts Education Instruction and Assessment Project (MAEIA) is a flagship in the nation, dedicated to ensuring students receive high-quality arts learning as part of a well-rounded education. The suite of resources, including a catalog of 360 performance assessments, a program review tool, and curriculum maps highlighting instructional ideas, continues to be updated with new research, including important attention to culturally sustaining pedagogy and assessment. This session will walk participants through these open education resources (OER) resources and explain where and how resources can be used to connect to subjects and practices beyond the fine arts (theatre, dance, music, and visual arts).

Kathy Dewsbury-White, MAC
Heather Vaughan-Southard, MAC

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
1:30 PM

New to school accountability? Need to refresh your knowledge of basic accountability concepts? This session provides an overview of Michigan’s school accountability systems, reports, and resources.

Chris Janzer, MDE,br> Alex Schwarz, MDE

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
1:30 PM

Are you struggling to integrate systems and share information in a timely and effective way? Could a system that helps identify students at risk of dropping out inform your practice? Do you wish you had access to more information about your students or were able to share and communicate their educational progress with fellow educators more effectively? Attend this clinic to learn more about Michigan Early Warning and Intervention Monitoring System (MiEWIMS) online system, MiRead - Michigan's Early Literacy Portal, Michigan Linked Educational Assessment Reporting Network (MiLearn) for state assessments, and more.

Kevin Bullard, Kalamazoo RESA
Tom Johnson, MAISA

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
1:30 PM

True assessment isn’t a one-and-done event, it’s a collection of evidence that informs stakeholders of each students’ present level of understanding and skill development. When educators are open to differentiating how students demonstrate understanding and learning to encompass the gifts and knowledge students bring to the classroom, they can better capitalize on students’ strengths and meet students where they are. In this session, we’ll dig into different ideas of what “assessment” could be and how educators can maintain rigorous learning targets while differentiating success criteria that will allow them to collect in-the-moment evidence of student learning.

Kristy Walters, Corunna Public Schools
Mary Helen Diegel, Education Consultant

3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
3:00 PM

Do you need to know updates for the Spring 2024 M-STEP Administration? This session will outline the important test administration updates and show you the resources that are available to you throughout the administration for a successful M-STEP administration.

Phoebe Gohs, MDE

3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
3:00 PM

Are you tasked with presenting data to multiple audiences with varying needs and interests? Are you looking for the right graph to grab your audience’s attention and get your point across quickly? Join this session to learn principles and techniques for creating impactful data visualizations using Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.

Sarah Whitford, Forest Hills Public Schools

3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
3:00 PM

This session will provide an overview of the structure of the WIDA assessment system as well as upcoming changes intended for the 2023-24 school year such as the new Alternate Screener. Additional statewide data will be shared related to Michigan’s EL assessment performance as well as newly developed EL resources.

Jen Paul, MDE

3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
3:00 PM

This presentation will provide a thorough overview of the ELA portion of the Michigan Early Literacy & Mathematics Benchmarks Assessments (ELMBA) and the Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress (M-STEP). There will be a review of the standards assessed, item types, and sample items. A discussion will be facilitated about implications to instruction based on school and district report results. In addition, an update on the Passagebased Writing field test will be presented.

Nikki Mosser, MDE

3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
3:00 PM

Over three years ago, the Michigan Assessment Consortium created a network of individuals working in Michigan’s intermediate and local school systems who facilitate the assessment learning of those who they work with and for. Thus, the Michigan Assessment Literacy Facilitators Association (MALFA) was born. This session will show the types of activities the group has engaged in. This session is for current MALFA members as well as others interested in learning about assessment and supporting others with the network.

Steven Snead, Oakland Schools
Emily McEvoy, Macomb ISD
Ed Roeber, MAC

3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
3:00 PM

Are you struggling to integrate systems and share information in a timely and effective way? Could a system that helps identify students at risk of dropping out inform your practice? Do you wish you had access to more information about your students or were able to share and communicate their educational progress with fellow educators more effectively? Attend this clinic to learn about MiRead – Michigan’s Early Literacy Portal and the Michigan Linked Educational Assessment Reporting Network (MiLearn) for state assessments, and more.

Erin Pell, MAISA
Tim Hall, MDE

3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
3:00 PM

Thursday, 15 February 2024

In this presentation, Dr. Briggs will describe an approach to modeling and reporting the results from an educational assessment in a way that focuses attention on the qualitative distinctions in student learning that can be inferred from a quantitative measuring scale. This approach, which he calls “content-referenced growth,” has four ingredients that require a significant investment in research and design: (1) a learning progression; (2) a cross grade scale; (3) item mapping; and (4) an interactive reporting system. The goal of content-referenced growth is to support interpretations of students’ scores relative to both the status of their understanding at one point in time, and their growth in understanding across points in time, relative to the content contained in the assessment. Dr. Briggs will introduce each ingredient and how they fit together in the context of newly developed learning progressions for several key concepts in mathematics and reading. He will also present results from piloting a prototype of an interactive reporting system with teachers who have experience administering and interpreting the results from the i-Ready Diagnostic, a large-scale assessment developed to support formative assessment purposes by an assessment organization.

Derek Briggs, University of Colorado

9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
9:30 AM

Large-group presentations seldom lend themselves to productive question-and-answer sessions. However, some conference participants want to ask questions that invite the speaker to clarify or comment in greater depth about portions of the presentation or to ask about issues the speaker did not address. Here’s your chance to have an informal conversation with today’s keynote speaker, Derrick Briggs. Derek Briggs, University of Colorado
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM
10:45 AM

As noted in a recent publication, School Grading Policies Are Failing Children: A Call to Action for Equitable Grading, by the Equitable Grading Project, 2018, “More equitable grading practices are accurate and bias-resistant, and they motivate students in ways traditional grading does not, as borne out by independent research. Equitable grading practices have been found to yield lower failure rates, most dramatically for historically under-served students. Equitable grading practices also reduce grade inflation, particularly for more privileged and resourced students.” This session will explore the relationship between equitable grading and assessment, emphasizing the exploration of equitable grading practices. Participants will walk away with ideas for immediate application and an opportunity to make meaningful changes in their grading and assessing practices.

Ellen Vorenkamp, MAC

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM
10:45 AM

Have you ever wanted to experience the formative assessment process? This session will provide insight into research about formative assessment and specific applications of the formative assessment process. Participants will be able to learn from a discipline-specific lesson as they deepen their understanding of the FAME Components and Elements. We will conclude by discussing implications for teacher learning and instructional practice.

Tara Kintz, MAC
Kristy Walters, Corunna Public Schools
John Lane, MAC

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM
10:45 AM

This workshop will provide an overview of MI-Access, Michigan’s alternate Assessment program. Topics covered in this workshop will include: Who should take MI-Access, alternate content expectations, 1% cap requirements, and key MI-Access administration topics. This workshop is for anyone responsible for or involved with the MI-Access assessment administration.

Jerry Cullum, MDE
Dan Evans, MDE

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM
10:45 AM

MTSS is supported by data-based decision making. Protocols are a powerful tool to take data and turn it into action. This session will look at the purpose and power of using protocols with various stakeholders.

Wendy Osterman, Clarkston Community Schools

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM
10:45 AM

This presentation will provide a thorough overview of the mathematics portion of the Michigan Early Literacy & Mathematics Benchmarks Assessments (ELMBA) and the Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress (M-STEP). There will be a review of the standards assessed, item types, and sample items. A discussion will be facilitated about implications for instruction based on school and district report results.

Kyle Ward, MDE
Holly Trotter, Data Recognition Corporation

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM
10:45 AM

We make important decisions about students and their achievements based on teacher-made assessments. Oftentimes these tools are excellent, but sometimes they are not. This session will provide a process to review teacher-made assessments for quality and effectiveness and provide some basic data analysis practices that can help teachers determine if their assessments might need to be improved.

Ellen Vorenkamp, MAC

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
1:30 PM

The Office of Assessment and Accountability offers robust reporting on assessment results. Come see what is provided through the Secure Site, the Dynamic Score Reporting Site, and MiLearn.

Kate Cermak, MDE
Phoebe Gohs, MDE
Tim Hall, MDE
John Price, MDE

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
1:30 PM

In this session, you’ll have an opportunity to analyze a protocol that can be used for developing success criteria from learning goals/ targets. We’ll also discuss how success criteria is at the heart of formative feedback and the central role students play in this process.

Kristy Walters, Corunna Public Schools

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
1:30 PM

This session will describe the format and the contents of the new College Board SAT, digital PSAT, and SAT assessments.

Ted Gardella, College Board
Steve Reed, MDE

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
1:30 PM

Through a process of using the Transcend organization’s Leaps for Equitable 21st Century Learning, the MAC developed the Components of Equitable Assessment Systems (CEAS), a set of components to promote equitable assessment systems and practices. CEAS places a value on helping all students achieve ambitious outcomes through culturally responsible and balanced approaches to assessment. Attendees will be asked to consider their own assessment systems and practices in relationship to these components.

Kathy Dewsbury-White, MAC
Steven Sneed, Oakland Schools

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
1:30 PM

This session will provide information on the M-STEP Science assessment for spring 2024. In addition, a thorough review of the science clusters and item specifications will be discussed.

Jill Scheurer, MDE
John Jaquith, MDE

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
1:30 PM

The Michigan Assessment Consortium (MAC) believes that aspirations to educate all students to high levels can be realized with a strong commitment for all educators to achieve basic assessment literacy. This session provides the opportunity to explore a unique approach to competency-based post-secondary credentialing programs of study focused on 7 core competencies for assessment literacy. In this program, teachers will have the unique opportunity to develop expertise and showcase their experience to effectively lead and facilitate assessment literate practice among teacher colleagues. Participants will learn about how successful completion of the program of study would permit MAC-credentialed Classroom Assessment Specialists to obtain the MDE Advanced Teacher Leader Professional License, based on MI’s Teacher Leader Preparation Standards.

Tara Kintz, MAC
Ellen Vorenkamp, MAC

3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
3:00 PM

Due to many circumstances, terms such as “interim,” “benchmark,” “screener,” and “summative” are being used interchangeably to describe assessments in use today. Should they be? This clinic will explore the purpose and use of these different assessments and discuss why districts and schools should consider not only having a common definition and shared understanding of each, but also evaluate how these assessments (and assessment terms) are being used at all levels within their system.

Jonathan Flukes, Plymouth-Canton Community Schools
Emily McEvoy, Macomb ISD

3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
3:00 PM

Leveraging a system of assessment to support sense-making in NGSS Science includes pre-assessment, formative assessment, and summative transfer tasks. This session builds on resources found in OpenSciEd, an OER resource. Systemic thinking about science assessment is important to meeting the demands implicit in the threedimensional assessments used to assess Next Generation Science Standards.

Mary Starr, MI Mathematics & Science Leadership Network

3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
3:00 PM

How will the digital College Board assessments be offered online? What preparations do schools need to make to implement the digital College Board assessments? This session will address the specifics of the online administration of the PSAT and SAT.

Ted Gardella, College Board
Steve Reed, MDE

3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
3:00 PM

This session will discuss the relationship between Michigan’s Continuous Improvement Process (MICIP) and the role of assessment within that process, plus introduce the Balanced Assessment System Strategy Implementation Guide (SIG) and Planning Tool developed by MAC. These resources will highlight the importance of how a comprehensive and balanced assessment system can move student learning forward, and how the MICIP process can effectively support and evaluate the system.

Kathy Humphrey, MAC
Nicole Kalmbach, Kalamazoo RESA

3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
3:00 PM

This session explores thinking about the integration of artificial intelligence technologies across all aspects of our education ecosystem, with specific emphasis on AI tools that could augment our ability to assess highly personalized learning experiences and uncover student understanding that reaches for 21st century skills and dispositions. These emerging explorations consider the potential benefits and risks. Session presenters include Ken Dirkin, Senior Director of MV Learning Research Institute and Justin Bruno, Assistant Director of District Programming. MI Virtual has dedicated ongoing study to AI in education and has offered their AI Integration Framework for School Districts • a rubric to outline key planning considerations around the use of AI in school districts.

Ken Dirkin, MI Virtual,
Justin Bruno, MI Virtual

3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
3:00 PM

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